Comunicado al Mercado – Closing Recovery*
Notice to the Market – Closing Recovery
São Paulo, March 31, 2016 – Banco BTG Pactual S.A. («BTG Pactual»), in continuation of the notice to the market published on December 31, 2015, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, compliance with all the conditions precedent having been confirmed (including approval by the competent antitrust authority), the sale by BTG Pactual of the following to Itaú Unibanco S.A. was concluded today: (i) 81.94% of the capital stock of Recovery do Brasil Consultoria S.A. («Recovery»), corresponding to BTG Pactual’s entire interest in Recovery, and (ii) a portfolio of Non-Performing Loans and ownership units representing approximately 70% of Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios Não-Padronizados NPL I.
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