
Fitch Ratings
Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Rating Outlook Stable
Foreign and Local currency
Long Term IDR BB
Short Term IDR B
Perspective Stable
Long Term IDR AAA(bra)
Short Term IDR F1(bra)
BTG Pactual Holding S.A.
Rating Outlook Stable
Foreign and local currency
Long Term IDR BB
Short Term IDR B
Perspective Stable
Long Term IDR AA(bra)
Short Term IDR F1(bra)
Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Outlook Positive
Bank deposits Ba2/NP
NSR Bank Deposits – Dom Currency AAA.br
Standard & Poor‘s
Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Outlook Stable
issuer Credit Rating BB
Issuer Credit Rating (local) brAAA